I am a sucker for lists, just in case you haven't figured that out yet. When Real Simple posted this list about the 21 time-saving cities I had to click on the link and see what they came up with. It might be no surprise to see most of the cities on this list, but I am intrigued if we used this data and then listed the cities by cost of living. I am sure Seattle, Boston, NYC, and others would drop down the list pretty fast, but it was encouraging to see Minneapolis (my home currently), Pittsburgh, and Philly on the list. These cities don't usually come to mind as the good places to live in the more general public (they lack the sexy media coverage), but the secret may be out since they have some great advantages with a reasonable cost of living.
Here are some of the cities profiled:
2. Portland, OregonTime-saving score: 21.5
Population: 557,706
It’s no hassle getting around this town, whether by bike or on the nation’s fourth-largest light-rail system. There are few airport delays, and speedy emergency services translate to one of the highest cardiac-arrest survival rates. And finding lunch is easy, with about 450 gourmet food carts around the city. “I could hit 100 carts in an hour,” says Brett Burmeister, who runs Foodcartsportland.com. “It takes less than five minutes to get a cheap, amazing lunch.”
Getting around: 4.5
Health and safety: 4.5
Information and technology: 4
Green time-savers: 4.5
Lifestyle: 4
8. Pittsburgh
Time-saving score: 18
Population: 310,037
Pittsburgh’s public-transit system is large for a city of its size, including three bus-only highways, making for a zippy trip to work. And who knew Steelers fans were such big readers? The city is in the top five for bookstores per capita.
Getting around: 3.5
Health and safety: 4
Information and technology: 4
Green time-savers: 4
Lifestyle: 2.516. (Tie) Cleveland
Time-saving score: 14
Population: 433,748
With the number two on-time airport in our survey and one of the shortest commutes (just 23.5 minutes), Cleveland scores additional points for its free downtown trolley and large number of farmers’ markets.
Getting around: 3
Health and safety: 3.5
Information and technology: 3
Green time-savers: 3.5
Lifestyle: 1
Is this list way off base or do you think they got it right? Sometimes it is the little things that make all the difference.
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