Sunday, July 13, 2008

$1.8 Million for Minneapolis/St. Paul Region

Thursday last week an announcement came out in the Twin Cities (even though I was there I missed it). The Metro area has been awarded $1.8 million to establish 5 corridors of bike boulevard and pedestrian improvements from Transit for Livable Communities. The Star Tribune had this article covering the announcement:
In another boost for the Twin Cities bicycling boom, more than 12 miles of local streets will be revamped to give priority to bikes. Under the federally funded effort, streets in Richfield, northeast Minneapolis, St. Paul's Highland Park and the Roseville-Falcon Heights area will get special pavement markings, new off-street bike paths, bike lanes and crosswalk improvements.
The Minneapolis/St. Paul region takes another positive step in improving upon their current bike infrastructure and network. It should be no surprise since cyclist counts on the Greenway and Lake Street Bridge are up 40%. Hopefully this will just be the beginning of connecting the greenway and trailways to existing bike lanes and pathways.

1 comment:

Snak Shak said...

You were in town??? Too bad we did not meet up. Hopefully you got in touch with a few Bike Lovers or at least had some free time to enjoy the city while you were here.

I read the article in Strib when it came out. It struck me as a step in the right direction but got a little fanfare than the actual projects warrant, in my opinion. Still, it's nice to see Richfield starting to get its act together. Richfield is notoriously anti-bike; I have even been told that it is illegal to ride your bike on the street in Richfield. They missed the boat on redeveloping that suburb about 10 years ago. The central business district is very bike hostile and not very pedestrian friendly, either, which is ironic because they have a lot of senior housing in that area as well.

Thanks for the post and take care!