Monday, February 18, 2008

Central Corridor light rail project in the Twin Cities

"Planners of the Central Corridor light-rail line have been mixing and matching features for months, and on Wednesday they unveiled one combination of options that could be called "Most Likely to Succeed."
While the $909 million package meets federal cost requirements, the line is also likely to disappoint: The University of Minnesota wouldn't get its tunnel through the East Bank campus, and St. Paul neighborhoods that have asked for additional stations would have to wait until after the line was completed for them to be added."

Twin cities, supposedly after Portland, is the next best biking city in the country. I have read numerous reports that they have the highest # of riders during the winter months per capita. While I have been to the Twin Cities many times I have never had the chance to ride a bike there. Following in the foot steps of many other cities, the Twin Cities are now in the process of implementing their second Light Rail Transit (LRT) line that will go from downtown Minneapolis to downtown St. Paul. This is adding to the multi-modal approach that many cities are now taking very seriously. The Central Corridor will be this new line. What is maybe even more exciting is the pedestrian and bicycle improvements that are being discussed and drafted in St. Paul. I wonder if cities like New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago will take another look at LRT since all have aging and crumbling infrastructure for their large subway and rail systems (or BRT)?

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